I have a hard time with focus. I am a very busy person. Some days I wonder what the heck am I doing to make myself so busy. A lot of people are like that. We get into our normal routine and run ourselves to death and never know why we do some of the things we do.
I think the reason I get busy and feel like I am crazy busy is because of my focus. How many times do we lose our focus on what matters and do things for the sake and routine of doing them?
I like the fight that Israel has against Amalek in Exodus 17, personally. It really has two parts to it for me as I read and understand more and more. Starting in verse 11 and going through 13. "Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses' hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands, one on one side, and the other on the other side. So his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua overwhelmed Amalek and his people with the sword."
This scripture says two things to me. First off, Moses held up his hands to the Lord. When he did so, Israel would be winning the battle. This, to me, can be taken as a sign of submission. When we submit ourselves to God and submit the power and will to Him, He takes care of us. However, Moses grew tired. Have you ever just grown tired of it? You repeatedly try to sacrifice and you feel as though no good is coming from "letting go, and letting God". I'm human and I'm willing to admit that the thought has crossed my mind before. I'm tired of it. It's no use. That happens when you grow weak. It's part of us as a human. Giving in to that thought is where things go bad. We must always continue to hold our hands up and submit to God. When we do so, the battle is won for us. You may have to go through hell on earth, but staying focused will bring you through. It worked for Moses and Israel, why not you?
The second thing I take from this scripture is this: we need people to help keep us focused, accountable, whatever word you would like to place in the blank. Moses grew weak, but he had Aaron and Hur there to help him hold himself up. Have you ever been to a point you just wish someone would lend you a hand, say something encouraging, strengthen you in some way? We need people around us that will keep us focused. Those close friends who know you. They know when you need a call, a hug, something. Jesus said in Matthew 18 where two or three are gathered in my name I will be among them.
When writing this, I am not writing for a specific audience. This is my heart. This is me. This is what I feel. I'm not a pastor. I'm not licensed. I'm merely trying to fulfill the call upon my life. So take it for what it is. Keep your focus. Fight the good fight. Find those people who know you for you. Not the church you. The real you behind closed doors that know what gets you. The people you trust more than anything. Keep the focus together. Now more than ever friends.
Wow! You teach me. :)