Those of you following on Facebook know that I listen to Spotify constantly when I am in the office. Some days will be classic rock and others will consist of country. Mainly you will find me listening to worship music. I love worship music. I love to play it. I love to sing it. I love to listen to it.
I get distracted by the music portion though.
The other day I was listening for some new music to add to my playlist and I found a song that Jentzen Franklin had sang. It is an old song. Now before I go further I just want to say this fact. I love music both old and new. I love to jam to the new stuff and I LOVE to rock to the older, more "traditional" church songs.
The song that he sang was "The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power". If you have never heard this song, you need to Google it and find it.
The thing I love about this song, is though it is typically categorized as "traditional" it still holds such a powerful message.
It reaches to the highest mountain. Think about it. Even when things are good. You are on top. The blood still touches those times.
It reaches to the lowest valley. Days when you think not even the blood of Christ can help because you are so low, it is still there.
The blood that gives me strength from day to day will never lose it's power. If you read my post from yesterday you know that the blood will never lose it's power because Christ died for you out of pure love. The power of Christ lives on today.
On days when you can't seem to find an answer. In situations that seem trivial and those that seem unconquerable. The blood will never lose it's power. Try it out.
The Blood Song...I never really knew the official name, just always called it The Blood Song. One of my all time favorites! I used to just love it when Ronnie Davis would do "blood songs" for the entire song service. I'll be looking this one up. Thanks :)