My Zimbio

Monday, April 2, 2012

How Bout Eggs?

Baby, I'm back!  I've been out of town on business and I'm too cheap to pay 10 bucks a night for internet.  Thus, today I am making my way back to the blogger!

Anyways,  it is the week of Resurrection Sunday, or as the world refers to it Easter.  Easter is my favorite holiday of the year.  To me it has the most meaning of any of em.  How did we deviate so far from what Easter is to what it is now?  I love Jim Gaffigan's take on it:

How bout eggs? Exactly.

The reason I love Easter so much is because of what it means to us as Christians.  See sometimes we get caught up on the fact that Christ died for us, but what would His death have meant without the Resurrection?  It was proof that He is the Savior.  Not only did He die, but He rose again.  I love what it says in Acts 2:24.

"God raised Him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it."

Because of the impossibility of death to hold Him, WE have the possibility of life eternal with Him.

Because He conquered the grave, WE can become new again.

Because of His stripes, WE are healed.

Because of His blood, OUR sins are washed away.

Because of His cross, OUR debt is paid.

Enjoy the chocolate marshmallows, the cadbury eggs, the chocolate bunnies, because my goodness they are delicious, but remember that Christ paid the way for us.

You don't have to worship just this Sunday.  He did it for you, why not start today?

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