My Zimbio

Monday, April 9, 2012

Post-Easter Sugar High

Somehow I avoid Easter candy better than most things that are bad for me.  That usually only lasts until Saturday. This year I got bombarded by jelly beans.  I killed me some Starburst jelly beans.  Then I devoured some Mounds, and some Reester Eggs (you know the reese eggs).  I was on it!

Think about it though.  A lot of us get on an Easter high.  We buy new clothes, plan dinners, take a million pictures (speaking of which, I dislike you who took 18 mirror pictures for Easter and posted them to FB!) and continue on our way. We get hyped about Easter, and I know I do. I love Easter.  Without the Resurrection, we have nothing.  Christ then becomes another man.  We lose everything that we believe without the events that we just celebrated.

We have to get over Easter being our Christian sugar high.  We have to get over our new outfits, our dinners, our everything to realize what the moment truly celebrates.  When we realize what the moment is truly about, then we must carry it on with us daily.

Resurrection is celebrated in glorious fashion once a year, but don't let it be a once a year occurrence. We as Christians should celebrate this in glorious fashion every Sunday.  Actually, scratch that.  We should celebrate it in glorious fashion every single day.

See, my mom instilled my love for Easter at an early age.  Me and my brother never really got the Easter baskets or anything like that.  (No, I'm not knocking that tradition.  It's just something we never really did. We did have those dagum Easter marshmallow eggs like they were goin' outta style though.) Mom really helped us see the meaning of Easter.  I remember her and dad taking us to Woodward's Passion Play.  I was like 9, but yet I understood the love that was meant for me.  The play was so powerful.  I'll never forget what it felt like to see something that to a 9 year old boy seemed so real.

Through that teaching by mom through example and exposure to Christ's love, I got it.  I got the meaning of Easter without a doubt.

The thing that is hard for me, as is most Christians, is is the fact that we get caught up in the celebratory mess that we have created.  We ought to celebrate this fact every day.  We have to come down from our sugar high and realize that through Him we are free.

So take a minute.  Realize that without the resurrection, we wouldn't gather like we do.  We wouldn't celebrate Easter the way we do.  We wouldn't have the love of Christ like we do.  BUT because of the resurrection we have the love, we have life, and we have the ability to celebrate, not just one day, but everyday!

Jesus slapped #yolo (you only live once) in the face.  That circulated on Twitter.  I love it.  Enjoy Easter.  Enjoy your family.  Enjoy what you do, but I encourage you to remember that when the sugar high ends, the candy is gone, the clothes are used, and the church isn't as decorated that we still celebrate because HE lives.


  1. Very well written. I too loved the Passion Play at Woodward Ave Church of God. I took my children there every year, and it really made an impact. Keep blogging . . . you're a talented and insightful writer!

    1. Thanks so much! The Passion Play was always great.
