Asking for more is hard for some and not for others. You know that guy. The one who will be like oh you got a half of a pizza left. How bout you slide me the rest of that over here, man? Yeah, I know that guy, too.
Sometimes, though, it might be good to ask for more. I love the story of Elisha.
Elijah is getting ready to gloriously exit this earth. He turns to the man who had been by his side and refused to leave his side. He asks him in 2 Kings 2:9 what do you want before I am taken away.
I love how Elisha responds. He looks and requests a double portion of his spirit to be upon himself.
Elijah did some awesome stuff. Elisha could have just said, "Hey, I'd like to measure up to what you did so just bless me with the same spirit you have."
No he thought ahead. He wanted double what Elijah had. That's great. It's like hey, you had two scoops of ice cream and I'd like to have four, because I'm that guy!
Elijah responds by saying that Elisha had asked a hard thing. You think? He told him if he saw Elijah when he was taken away he would receive and otherwise he was out of luck.
Now if I'm Elisha buddy, I'm up all night long. I'd be watching this joker like a hawk. Can you see it?
"Elisha, leave me alone. I'm trying to use the bathroom." "Elijah, I don't think so, pal. I'm not gonna let this one get past me."
Anyways, the point is Elisha didn't just settle. Sometimes we do that. Yeah, I'll be fine with what I get.
I want to be bold like Elisha and ask for more. Ask for the double portion rather than the lucky leftovers. I want all that is prepared for me and more. I want to be bold enough to request so much more than most people dare to ask for. I want the spirit of Elisha in that moment to be bold to ask for something that is considered a hard thing, but nevertheless nothing is impossible for God.
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