My Zimbio

Thursday, March 1, 2012

True Worship

Anyone that is friends with me on Facebook or has Spotify and sees my listening patterns knows that I love worship music.  It's not just a fad for me either.  I've truly learned to live in worship whether it be by song, by prayer, or by acting out in faith.  I try my best to live a life that shows God my true worship.

Do I fail at times?  You better believe it.

Do I miss the mark?  He who hasn't sinned cast the first stone...Megan (my wife), put down the rock!

If you've been reading along with me you have seen that I've been into Tozer here recently.  The thing Tozer says about worship that really got my wheels turning was this:

"To great sections of the Church, the art of worship has been lost entirely, and in its place has come that strange and foreign thing called the 'program'."

Think about that for a minute.  What he is saying is that we have gotten so caught up in is our mere human formation of a "church service".  We worry that we won't get to the offering plate, or that our lesson/sermon will have been prepped for nothing.

We are restricting the Spirit of God from doing the work He has set out to do by looking out for those who might like to get to lunch on time, or do this by routine.

We, as a whole church, (not specifically Man O' War, Englewood, or any other church) have to begin to realize that this thing has never been about us.  We have to let go of control.  Raise your hand if that is hard.  Yeah, I've got mine raised, too!

Can you imagine what would happen if we gave up control and just fell under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for a whole worship service?  Let's take a small step.  I'm not talking about a year or a month, but one dagum service!

I feel as though if we worshiped without rushing out to "beat that other denomination" to lunch we might see some marvelous things happen.

The whole key to this is that we have to let go!  The longer we hold on, the more control we have and the less true uninhibited worship can happen.

Should worship be only for our weekly services?  That's a whole different topic for a completely different post!

What I encourage you to do, especially leaders in the church, be genuine in your worship.  If the Spirit moves, don't push it out of the way to make headway.  Follow it's guidance.  Let Him work.  We ask God to come be in our midst, and then refuse to give Him control once He has manifested himself.  Let your actions be in tune with your prayers and words.

Be genuine.  Worship completely.  Give everything you have like it's your last time on Earth to worship.

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