A lot of things make me laugh. Movies. Books. Music, especially when it is a train wreck. Comedians. Jokes. People smiling and having a good time.
I tell you what though. God can make me really bust a gut laughing sometimes.
Literally five minutes before I wrote this I was thinking, "God, I know the site gets hits, but does anyone even read this stuff? Am I doing the right thing with this or has it become about me?"
I was literally thinking about just posting and saying hey guys, this is it. Last one today.
No more than before I was about to begin writing I receive a text from a good friend telling me what a good post the last one was.
See it's not that he encouraged me, because a couple of people have. It's the fact that I wanted to know if this was all in vain. My heart is in it. I do it to reach even just one person. It's never been about me in my eyes.
That text came right as I said, "God, just tell me to keep going or not somehow."
Well, I got my answer through a friend. God will answer prayers. Even if they are as simple as what about this little thing that I do.
So, needless to say, I laughed because I thought it was funny how fast that happened.
I'm not asking for mass comments or encouragement. I just want to share my heart.
God is good all the time!