My Zimbio

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Be like John Locke

No I'm not referring to the "Father of Liberalism" but rather this John Locke from LOST the tv series.

John Locke was an interesting character.  If anyone of the four people that were at Man O' War the night I taught this in the can stop laughing.  Also, if you aren't familiar with LOST check out this video to get caught up!

Anyways,  John Locke was the questioner of the group.  Not to the leader of the group, but rather to the leader.  He always wanted to know what his destiny was.  He always wanted to know why he was there.  See before the plane crash Locke couldn't walk.  He was paralyzed.  You will find out why by watching the video.

He was given a second chance after the plane crash and could walk again.  He was doing all the things he dreamed of.  Hunting, fishing, searching, walking.  He was living the dream.  Instead of enjoying his miracle, he questioned his miracle.

Have you ever done that?  Instead of being appreciative of what you receive from God you question what's up with this gift?

Well, Locke continues to question and he searches everywhere on the island for answers.  He looks.  He asks.  He does what different leaders tell him.  He is a man on his own doing whatever it takes to get his answer.

We do this a lot!  We ask, "Why, God?"  It's a very simple thing though.  We have our answer in the Bible.  In Matthew 28:18-20 we have the Great Commission.  "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, all authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen"

There it is!  See, I am currently having a hard time with this thought.  I know there is a call on my life, but I'm not certain what specific way to use it.  Instead of dwelling on why, what, when, how, where, I just need to go!  Just go and spread the gospel.  It's tougher than it sounds.

I encourage you.  Join me in stepping out in faith and doing what we have all been told to do.  Don't be like John Locke and place all your time in asking and no time in actually doing.  We have to be doers too!

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