My Zimbio

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm No Expert

So, this year we moved home and we decided to save money by working a garden with my parents.  Good decision?  We will see.

Last night I was tilling up the ground with dad (turning up the ground) and it got me to thinking about how we operate.

We always use the analogy of planting that seed so that we can reap the harvest in any type of ministry setting.  If we can just plant the seed.  We can't have a harvest without planting the seed.

I get it.  I do.  It's a very relevant analogy for me.  I'm not going to have any okra, corn, or squash if I never plant the seeds.

But what good does planting seed do if we don't till the land first?  If we never prepare to plant the seed, how many seeds will take?  If we never take the time to soften up the ground so we can do the work efficiently, what sense does it make to plant a garden?

Are you seeing what I'm gettin' at?  See, what we have to do is prepare for what we are about to do.  If we want to reap the harvest, we must understand that the first step is turning up the ground.

See, even gardening can be spiritual....until (if you're like me) you look down and realize you have blisters on your hands.

So I encourage you, when looking for the harvest to make that beginning effort.  Prepare for your work.  We can't go throwing seeds willy nilly!

Read Matthew 13:1-9.  It's relevant.  Now get to turnin' your ground!

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  1. You've seen Facing the Giants, right? It's like when the guy tells Coach Taylor to prepare for rain. If you aren't doing everything to prepare yourself to let God work through you, the results will be less than desirable.

    -Jamie Boggs

    1. I have never taken the time to watch that movie, but I need to.

      I know what you're saying though. It rings so true. Well said, Jamie.
